Malicious Activity in the Metaverse
Metaverse Image

Malicious Activity in the Metaverse

The term “metaverse” refers to using immersive technology, such as virtual and augmented reality, to create a digital experience that resembles the real world. This immersive technology can be used for business and entertainment. 

Cybercriminals use popular topics to catch your attention and manipulate your emotions. Be cautious of emails, social media posts, and text messages that mention the metaverse.

Follow the tips below to stay safe from metaverse-related scams:

  • Watch out for sensational headlines about the metaverse. These headlines may lead to articles that contain disinformation, which is false information designed to mislead you.
  • Always think before you click. Cyber attacks are designed to catch you off guard and trigger you to click impulsively.

If you would like to experience the metaverse, be sure to use trusted platforms to research the technology you’re interested in. 

Stop, Look, and Think. Don’t be fooled.

Protect your network! Learn more about security awareness training for your team.

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